Thursday, July 16, 2009

Internet (N)

This is Millie. She's 12 and she's a blue russian/persian and she usually bites everyone..except me :p

Friday, July 10, 2009

Daddy and his cars.

I went and asked mum if i could go for a walk and take photos. But me being grounded she said no go take pictures of things outside. i complained "I've taken pictures of everything around our house" she just laughed at me and said "Darling, you have the biggest imagination i've ever seen, you could make anything look beautiful" so i went to look for something to base an idea on and went to my dad to see what he was doing. Turns out he just brought the old dirty engine inside and that gave me the idea of basing my photo's this time on cars.

And this is the big old ugly engine he brought inside. concentrate hard and you'll work it out

The unseen things.

This was taken at 7:30 in the morning at my bus stop. I showed this picture to a couple people on my bus and none believed it was where i said it was. i guess people look but don't see. and it's those who see that see the beauty in the world. So to them who dont think outside the square they live in, try to look around and when you see a tree dont see a tree look at everything about it, the way the sun hits it, the way it's branches are set, the shape of the leaves, everything about it, maybe then you'll learn to look at a person the same way and realise.. they may not be who you first thought.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Graffiti!

I walked up to the bus stop one morning to find someone (unknown) had tagged it. so i took a picture of it so i could tell you my story (:

Sunday, July 5, 2009


He came into my life sometime around year 6. and he's been my best friend ever since.

When bordom strikes

R.I.P Chadd William Selby
your life was cut way too short.
Never forgotten.

Well i got bored again. and found out Marulan is good for some thing. wild life. the sun. the trees. and random rollers along the way.

someone said to me.. it looks like a reflection. so i is a reflection
I call her Emma :)

Friday, July 3, 2009


So it's been ages since i last blogged cause i've been grounded which is gay but thats okay. i decided to take a few random pictures some were from last time like the railway & station but the rest are new.