Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas & A New Camera

Check out that tan :D
a bit of fun

my eyes?

sebastian jumps...for food

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome To Marulan

This is Marulan.
Altho it's gay and i complain. it's always been my home. and it will always be what i think of when i remember my childhood and memories.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

one fine day.

What Of It?
my dog is just THAT cool.
had to put this on here.
i have to say i'm the greatest cook ever.
tasted heaps good.
Photo Credit: Zak Montgomery.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Trains are the greatest.

This train parked itself next to my house so i took advantage and photographed it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

how un-necissary

it scared the shit out of me and all Zak could do was laugh at me.
personally i think this spider should go and sit on the outside of someone elses window
well it doesnt seem to be leaving. so i shall call him paul and paul shall be his name.

Monday, September 7, 2009

School Days.

he is the guy in the picture. it's a pretty random picture i took at the junior campus.


I have 3 dogs. Judy is our newest addition. we all her red which is nice. Lilly is the favorite. she's the black and white foxy.
i still love Sebastian.
NOTE: mums legs. thats the only way i could get the two dogs together. they never leave her side.


i got. really really really. saturated taking these 2 pictures. my socks especially.

I asked Zak which one is better.
but we're both shit and couldn't make up our minds.
so he came up with the idea of both!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Forever Ours.

Guardian Angel.
alright. so basically i was innocently taking a photo with my ipod in my ears blasting the music..and the train went past. i jumped 10 foot.

Forever Ours.
Matthew Chalhoub & Chloe McCallum
You showed me this place and we waited 2 hours for a train which turned out to be pretty gay.

the act of excusing a mistake or offense
my grandma's dog judy lives with us now. she accompanyed me on this cold long trip.
Sky High.
why not take crazy chance why not, do a crazy dance if you lose the moment you might lose a lot so why not why not

Monday, August 24, 2009

The world through the eyes of Chloe.

Well i catch a bus everyday with a bunch of lil munchins
so it gets fairly boring. this picture was taken with my phone..
out my bus window but i liked it. WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD
well, i went on a holiday a while back now.
and i took some pictures then and completely forgot about them.
i was looking through the pictures on mums computer.
it's amazing what you can discover with time.
Favirote picture i've ever taken. i wish i lived near the beach.
my pictures would be so much better haha

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Canberra Excursion

We recently went on an excursion to Canberra with our school for a careers market to learn about Universities. We had lunch at a place that could make any person feel good by it's beauty. It was a feel good time with friends and my boyfriend and i loved every second of it.

I wish we had a place like this at home.

believe in yourself
Credit: Hayden Williams
he chased those birds for ages to get this

"Your picking out all the little insignificant things"
"It's the little things that count right?"
"Well yes, but"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Toy Trains.

Not all that happy with how this turned out. could've meant so much more. ohwell next time.

When i was 5 i got $100 for christmas and my birthday off of relatives and family friends. mum asked me what i wanted and i chose a thomas the tank engine train toy set thing. i loved it played with it all the time. and yeah i still have it :D

Ciao xx

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Internet (N)

This is Millie. She's 12 and she's a blue russian/persian and she usually bites everyone..except me :p

Friday, July 10, 2009

Daddy and his cars.

I went and asked mum if i could go for a walk and take photos. But me being grounded she said no go take pictures of things outside. i complained "I've taken pictures of everything around our house" she just laughed at me and said "Darling, you have the biggest imagination i've ever seen, you could make anything look beautiful" so i went to look for something to base an idea on and went to my dad to see what he was doing. Turns out he just brought the old dirty engine inside and that gave me the idea of basing my photo's this time on cars.

And this is the big old ugly engine he brought inside. concentrate hard and you'll work it out

The unseen things.

This was taken at 7:30 in the morning at my bus stop. I showed this picture to a couple people on my bus and none believed it was where i said it was. i guess people look but don't see. and it's those who see that see the beauty in the world. So to them who dont think outside the square they live in, try to look around and when you see a tree dont see a tree look at everything about it, the way the sun hits it, the way it's branches are set, the shape of the leaves, everything about it, maybe then you'll learn to look at a person the same way and realise.. they may not be who you first thought.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Graffiti!

I walked up to the bus stop one morning to find someone (unknown) had tagged it. so i took a picture of it so i could tell you my story (:

Sunday, July 5, 2009


He came into my life sometime around year 6. and he's been my best friend ever since.

When bordom strikes

R.I.P Chadd William Selby
your life was cut way too short.
Never forgotten.

Well i got bored again. and found out Marulan is good for some thing. wild life. the sun. the trees. and random rollers along the way.

someone said to me.. it looks like a reflection. so i is a reflection
I call her Emma :)

Friday, July 3, 2009


So it's been ages since i last blogged cause i've been grounded which is gay but thats okay. i decided to take a few random pictures some were from last time like the railway & station but the rest are new.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Marulan yeah?

I have been looking at Sticky's pictures for ageeeees and i love taking photos too but i picked up random things from his photos like angles and stuff like that soo i decided to go take photos and see how i went. they are mainly of places around where i live, the train station and random plants on the walk home.